Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Finally.... It's Here! An Early Christmas Present!!

I was so pleased to receive a phone call this morning from Grateful Steps Foundation, LLC owner, Micki Cabaniss Eutsler,  announcing the arrival of the second printing of our book, "My Days with Nell." I jumped in my car and could not wait to see the new cover in person.  It's one thing to see it in the original form on canvas from talented artist, Virginia Palmer, then another to see it on a computer screen in a pdf awaiting upload to the printing company, but to see it on the hardcover book... well that is a little is almost surreal. The new cover is very similar to the original cover in color and theme; the only difference is the view. Instead of looking at the iconic image of the beautiful Biltmore House, Nell, Lilly and Ellen Jorith are standing on the loggia looking out at the vast property owned by George Vanderbilt with Mt. Pisgah in the distance.  I love it ! I hope you all will love it as well.  I dropped a few copies by William and Grace Children's Boutique and Once Upon a Time Children's Toy Store in Asheville, and a few more copies at MACA here in Marion.  These kind folks have been so supportive of the book and I appreciate their willingness to carry it in their stores.  Also, I believe copies will be delivered this week to Malaprops Bookstore, Spellbound and last but certainly not least the Biltmore Estate...(still takes my breath away) Of course, Grateful Steps Bookstore has a few copies for sale as well. ;) I am so grateful to each and every person that purchased my book... friends and family have been so kind with their sweet comments.  I have attached a picture with both the original cover and our new one for you to compare.  I adore them both!

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